Jumat, 16 Agustus 2013

Genus Brachypema care sheets

Beberapa care sheet genus brachypelma dalam bahasa inggris ( translate sendiri ya...)

Brachypelma Boehmei

Common Name(s): Mexican Fireleg
Experience Level: Beginner
Range: Pacific coast of southern Mexico (southeastern Michoacan to northwestern Guerrero)
Habitat: dry thorn forest
Habits: fossorial species that lives in burrows in thorny brush thickets and under large rocks
Behavior: fairly docile species that like all Brachypelma will readily flick urticating hairs when disturbed
Temperature & Humidity: warm [70-78°F] & moderately dry [50-60% RH]
Housing: simple terrestrial cage with plenty of ventilation (a plastic critter keeper style terrarium is excellent), dry substrate (commercial organic cactus soil mixes are excellent but dry coconut coir or 50/50 sphagnum peat moss/vermiculite mix are just as good), hiding place and very small water dish — extra care should be used when raising spiderlings as smal
l containers typically used, such as vials or small jars with lids with small air holes, are too poorly ventilated (we use 16 oz. deli cups with insect cup style lids to raise young tarantulas)
Captive Diet: crickets, superworms, grasshoppers, small roaches

B. boehmei

Brachypelma Albopisolum

Scientific Name:

Brachypelma albopilosum

Also Known As:

Curly Hair Tarantulas


reach a leg span of 5-5.5 inches.


A small (5-10 gallon) tank is suitable for Curly Hair Tarantulas. The width of the tank should be two to three times wider than the leg span of the spider wide, and only as tall as the spider's leg span. 2-3 inches of peat moss, soil, or vermiculite can be used as a substrate. Wood, cork bark, or half of a small clay flower pot can be used for a shelter/retreat.


75-85 F (24-30 C)




Crickets and other large insects (must be pesticide free), occasional pinky mouse for larger spiders.


Curly Hair Tarantulas are generally docile and calm.
Curly Hair Tarantula

 Brachypelma Smithi

Scientific Name: Brachypelma smithi (F.O. Pickard-Cambridge 1897)
Common Name(s): Mexican Redknee (Mexican Red-kneed tarantula)
Range: Southwestern Mexico
Habitat: Dry scrubland and brush
Experience Level: Beginner
Type: Terrestrial, burrower
Size: Leg span up to around 15cm (6″)
Growth rate: Slow
Venom: Mild
Urticating hairs: Yes
Temperament: A generally docile species, though many will flick hairs quite readily.

Brachypelma vagans (Mexican Red-Rump Tarantula)

Type: Terrestrial: Scrubland species

Aggressiveness: Can be aggressive. Can be fast.

Venom Effect: Not yet known, expected to be low toxicity.

Geographic Range: Belize, El Salvador and Guatemala

Requirements: Temperature: 76 Fahrenheit

Humidity: 75%

Substrate: 3 inches deep

Shelter: Flowerpot or Cork Bark

Water: Open water dish

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